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Undead Rising- Transcendendence Reborn

  Undead Rising

  Transcendence Reborn Dedicated to Jessica Sanchez. Thank you for all your inspirational ideas! You are amazing!

  Chapter One

  "Bam!" the sound was deafening, "Bam! Bam! You jerk!" Sophia sobbed as she fell on top of the nearly lifeless man that was once the love of her life. "How could you?" she wept harder. "Now what am I going to do?" She looked out into the horizon as if to ask for forgiveness for what she had done. She lowered the smoking gun to her side and unraveled her tightly clenched fingers allowing the gun to fall to the concrete next to her six inch stiletto. Amazingly, her mascara remained un-smudged. The uncomfortable position she held kneeling next to her beloved would require the lithe actions of an acrobat, but it was obvious in her clothing options, or lack thereof, that Sophia was no acrobat. Sophia could wear a flannel shirt and sweatpants and still manage to make it look good. She embraced her appeal and wore the tiniest and tightest scraps of leather, lace, and satin that she could get her well-manicured hands on.

  "Cut!" the director exploited from his perch. "That was fabulous Isabella, just fabulous. Now pack those Louis Vuitton’s and meet me at the airport on Monday."

  The remaining cast and crew piled in for a bear hug when Jose, the recently shot husband, regained his upright position. He was thankful that his character was merely wounded, not fatally written out of the script. Of course the fans of "Mi Casa Amore" won't find that out for weeks and poor Sophia will be forced to leave the country to escape prosecution.

  Olivia was nothing like her mother. It wasn’t because she was stuck in a wheelchair; it was just that Olivia and her mother were like night and day. Now, Aunt Lizzy had to be a closer DNA match than her mom, even though theyweren’t bloodrelated. Aunt Lizzy married Sophia’s brother, James. Olivia never minded spending weeks at her aunt's house with her cousins, Samantha, Katarina, and baby James. It was a reprieve from the constant cast parties, fan meet-and-greets, and Telemundo appearances. Her mother had guest starred on virtually every novella that aired and knew the morning talk show hosts personally. Olivia didn't care for the limelight, but her mom craved it. They only had this weekend until she jetted off to Italy for a 6 week shoot.

  She promised to be back in time for spring break, just in time for Olivia’s treatment. This one was gonna work, mom assured her. Olivia overheard her telling her aunt that she already paid $25,000 and had to pay the rest when the treatment was given.

  Olivia wasn't always in a wheelchair, she was a normal kid about 3 years ago, just about the time her mom hit mega Latin stardom. They were vacationing in Cancun and Olivia came down with a really high fever, her mom said she actually went into a coma. Immigration wouldn't even let them back in the country because she was so sick, so her mom took her back to Cancun and her aunt and cousins all came down because no one thought she would live. Her mom was already a huge star and flew in the best specialists to Mexico and she somehow pulled through, but she hasn't been able to walk since then.

  After much of the hugging died down Olivia wheeled herself as close as she could get and cleared her throat in order to try to get the loudest "mom!" she could muster. When she saw the slight tilt of her glossy raven curls turn in her direction, Olivia was certain she had her mother’s attention. "Mom, I'm starving, can we go now?" Olivia flashed her most convincing smile.

  "Of course dahhhling," she trilled her RR’s.

  Mom spent much of her fortune trying to get Olivia better, but nothing seemed to work. The treatment in Iowa was guaranteed to work or she would get her money back. Olivia was pretty sure they all told her that, but she kept on believing. Apparently it had worked for others, but Olivia would just wait and see before she counted on a miracle.

  Olivia saw things differently than her mom. With her mom, the glass was always half-full. If you looked like her mom though, people opened doors for you. She didn’t even audition to get a coveted spot on “Mi Casa Amore”; she was scouted at the mall while shopping for yet another pair of impossibly high stilettos. She became an instant fan favorite and loved the spotlight ever since.

  Olivia’s mom was already famou s when Olivia fell ill, so to her mother, having plenty of money was a blessing from God. She now had enough to take care of Olivia in the way she saw fit. Olivia went to a special school for kids like her, smart kids with “hindrances” as mom would call them in Spanish. She didn’t like calling Olivia handicapped or disabled because she didn’t see her that way. Sometimes Olivia did though, but she never told her mom that.

  Mom said it was OK to go to school with her cousins though because her aunt was a teacher and would make sure that no one treated her different. Olivia had a lot of friends there, since she spent about one-third of the school year there, depending on her mom’s schedule. And the miniscule town of Bishop, Texas is where Olivia would be bright and early Monday morning. It was a far cry from the hustle and bustle of San Antonio where everyone recognized Olivia’s mom and knew all about her too. In Bishop Olivia could be a regular kid and her cousins always made her feel comfortable. The principal would generally ensure that her schedule mimicked Katarina’s so she could help Olivia out. Olivia hated asking for help from teachers or other adults, but Katarina just knew what she needed and when she needed it.

  Olivia’s other cousin, Samantha, was already a senior. She would get to see her in the hallways occasionally, but she wasn’t with her as much as she was with Katarina. Samantha also worked after school and on the weekends at the local thrift shop. She liked to sell her artwork there. Olivia’s baby cousin, James, loved spending time with her. She thought it was because she was pretty much trapped when he decided it was time for her to read to him. Olivia would tell him she would run from him if sheweren’t in this chair, but he just laughed at her.

  "Mrs. Soliz isn't it time for the pep rally?” One of Lizzy’s students eagerly interrupted their reading of The Complete Guide to Household Economics. The basketball team had made it to Conference this year and the enthusiasm was felt throughout the school. Of course, Lizzy was fairly certain that most of the kids just wanted an excuse to get out of class for a while.

  "I guess it is. Ok, don't forget to read chapter 12 for homework tonight." The consolidated "awes" echoed through the room. The students possessed the ability to gather their backpacks and papers with superhuman speed, provided there was an incentive involved. Now if the teacher asked the kids to prepare for a pop quiz, she would witness the drastic transformation of students becoming snails at the precise moment the words were emitted from her mouth. On the way to the auditorium Lizzy saw Olivia and Katarina chatting away. Katarina adored Olivia and Lizzy was certain that the feeling was mutual. Lizzy’s sister-in-law dropped her off late last night before she headed out on her Italian holiday/soap shoot. Lizzy lived vicariously through her because her life here in Bishop rarely involved more than a trip to Wal-Mart followed by a date with the DVR remote.

  Thunder bellowed overhead further adding to the hormones and feverish excitement in the auditorium. Amazingly the teachers managed to make it there unscathed while the mass of students were chanting for their team to make an appearance. The cheerleaders were trying to belt out cheers above the roar of the crowd and the fierce storm looming in the distance.

  Lizzy scanned the crowd for her other daughter but she couldn't spot her. Knowing Sam, she was skipping out in the bathroom somewhere. Traditional school activities were not on Sam's' priority list. She definitely had a mind of her own and it was nothing like the rest of the family.

  Sam wasn't a "bad" kid by any means. She always made straight A's, was very polite and even went to church without coercion, most of the time. Sam was what Liz
zy would term as a non-conformist. If all the kids were wearing shorts and a t-shirt, Sam would wear a flannel shirt with fingerless gloves.

  Sam reminded Lizzy of her father in so many ways. Although Lizzy endeared the eccentricities in her, those characteristics were a mitigating factor in the demise of Sam’s father and Lizzy’s marriage so many years ago. After the divorce Lizzy decided to go to school and become a teacher. So now here she was, on a Monday afternoon, monitoring an auditorium full of hormones, making sure they don’t smoke, drink, or fight- at least not in front of her.

  About five years ago Lizzy met Isabella's (better known as Sophia on Mi Casa Amore) brother, James, at an animal shelter where she found a wayward German Shepard puppy that she couldn't resist bringing home. James told her she was covered in fleas and ticks when he found her and actually almost died from so much blood being lost. How could Lizzy resist a story like that? He asked Lizzy for her phone number and the rest was history.

  "Ring Ring Ring!" The loudspeakers interrupted her thoughts that were barely audible over the noise of the crowd, "Ring Ring Ring!" The alarm sounded again as the noise level started to taper off. The students began looking to the teachers with concern in their eyes. Lizzy looked to the principal for instructions because everyone knew what the sound meant...

  The principal grabbed a microphone from a cheerleader, "May I have your attention," She was interrupted once again by the ringing alarm and the sound of pelting hail against the thin metal roof.

  "May I have your attention please," the principal could barely be heard over the hailstorm. Katarina’s stomach had formed into a tight ball but she managed to keep a small smile on her face so Olivia wouldn't get scared. They could feel the nervous excitement of everyone in the auditorium. Katarina’s mom inched her way closer to the girls as the principal continued...

  “ We have practiced this before, I need this first row to calmly exit the gym and head to the A hallway as quickly as possible...." She continued to give instructions, but Katarina’s ears seemed suddenly deaf when she felt her mom tug at her sleeve to exit the auditorium. Katarina could see that Olivia was fearful, she was too. Olivia cruised by her side as Katarina’s mom guided them to the farthest hallway from the auditorium. Katarina was afraid to look back because she could hear the intensity of the storm ever increasing. Her only thought process involved getting Olivia to safety and catching her breath when they stopped.

  She heard a sudden whoosh and cracking as they rounded the corner to the specified hallway. She heard a whimper from Olivia and grabbed her free hand to try and reassure her even as Katarina heard the distinct crash of the overhead skylights in the main hallway burst to the ground. Katarina’s mom was yelling something but she couldn't hear over the loud whirring overhead. Katarina helped Olivia to the ground and her mom toppled over both of the girls in a protective cradle position.

  " It’s gonna be ok !” Katarina yelled in Olivia's ear, but it was only meant to be a whisper. She could feel Olivia relax slightly as she continued to talk to her under the gentle weight of her mom. It sounded as though the sky was falling, Katarina could hear screams in the farthest hallway. Her greatest wish was that everyone made it to the hallways safely.

  Just when Katarina thought it was over she felt the storm intensify radically. More windows could be heard breaking, water free-flowed down the hallway and lapped at their feet. Her mom protectively curled us closer to them waiting for the worst to come.

  Some how, Katarina’s mind wandered to home. She guessed she always felt safest there in her purple room. She thought about all the times her mom would sit with her on the bed asking, "What was the best part of your day?" Most of the time they wouldn't talk about much, just find happiness in each other’s company. What she wouldn't give for a moment like that right now.

  Her thoughts were torn away by the loudest sound she had ever heard. It sounded like a thousand army soldiers were trying to tear down the school walls. Amidst the destructive force that was sure to be a tornado she heard more intense screams. She squeezed Olivia's hand harder and kept talking gibberish maintaining the sanctity of faith that the trio so dearly grasped onto.

  "Oh crud!" Samantha blurted when she heard the tornado bells sound. She just knew that she would get caught where she wasn't supposed to be. So what if she didn’t want to see a bunch of preppy cheerleaders jumping up and down in a manner that didn't mess up their perfectly straight, blonde manes... She was a cheerleader once. When she was eight. Now she would rather pull her eyelashes out. Individually. School itself was kind of a waste. Most of the time she knew more than the teachers and actually had the grades and test scores to prove it. She couldn’t wait to graduate and fly away. She loved her mom and dad and all, but this small town bull just wasn’t for her.

  She decided to try and wait it out in the bathroom, after everyone headed back she would just blend in and no one would ever have to know she skipped the stupid pep rally. She could hear the math teacher, Mr. Mata, keeping the kids moving along the hallway. Upon hearing the sound of breaking glass and ear piercing screams she rethought her plans to remain in the bathroom. She scooted out the door into the hallway unnoticed. She searched for her one true friend Edie, but couldn't see much through the rain and hail spraying into the hallway. A few kids had visible cuts and blood, but they were quickly being diverted into the relative safety of the inner hallways. Samantha figured her mom, Kat, and Olive were safe because her mom would make sure of that. Edie on the other hand, was another story.

  Samantha moved in the opposite direction of the masses, heading for the most dangerous place in a storm. What an idiot, she thought to herself, but if she knew Edie, she was probably frozen with fear. More and more windows broke all around her as she continued to make her way back into the gymnasium. She couldn't fathom the storm getting worse, but it was doing just that.

  She made it to the gym, but there was no sign of anyone. She decided to make a quick sweep just to be sure. As she neared the last set of bleachers she heard a muffled scream from the locker room. The exterior door near the entrance of the room had been blown open and debris blocked the locker room door. Samantha fought against the pelting rain and hail blowing in from the door. The screams intensified along with the storm and she could barely see the parking lot beyond the door, but she heard the unmistakable freight train-like sound of an impending tornado. She felt a rush of adrenalin as she raced to remove the debris from the blocked door. She pulled and tugged and had to use her feet on the door for leverage until it finally gave way and the door popped open revealing half the basketball team and Edie balled in a corner.

  " C’mon we gotta go now!" Samantha screeched at Edie as the boys shuffled past her. It was as though Edie couldn’t hear Samantha. “Edie, come on!” She made her way to Edie and expected her to come toward her, but Edie was paralyzed with fear. She grabbed her arm and yanked her to a standing position. “Edie, snap out of it!” Samantha forcefully shook her while looking into her eyes, hoping her voice would slice through the intensifying reverberation of the impeding tornado. She slightly nodded and they moved as quickly as the debris field in front of them would allow. Samantha glanced over her shoulder and saw the twister as the metal roof peeled away. She pushed Edie along, praying that neither of them tripped. The sound was deafening, her heart raced enough for her to feel the urge to vomit, but she knew they couldn’t stop because if they did the tornado would be the death of them. They bridged the doorway leading to the main hallway of shattered glass, tree limbs, and mud just as a loud crash deafened their ears. Samantha pushed Edie into the boy’s room and they dove into a stall waiting for the end

  The noises had stopped minutes ago, but no one dared to move. Olivia felt uncomfortable with the water that had soaked her clothing, but she felt a sense of relief that the worst was over. Aunt Lizzy was the first to untangle their limbs. She stood and helped Katarina and then Olivia. It appeared that their hallway had been untouched by the storm, but it was apparent that o
ther areas of the school were not so lucky.

  Coach Reed entered the hallway, “Is everyone OK?” he surveyed the awestruck grouping of students and teachers noting that everyone appeared to be alive and breathing, not altogether coherent, but alive at least. “So far it looks like everyone made it out alive, but the gym was completely destroyed. Samantha Fairfield saved the basketball team before the tornado hit;she’s some kind of hero.”

  Olivia saw A unt Lizzy’s face turn ghostly white and Katarina had to steady her balance. Olivia was sure Sam being a hero was the last thing aunt Lizzy expected, but at least the knew she survived.

  Chapter Two

  “I’m sorry, Mihas.” Isabella swooned through the phone.

  “It’s Ok mom, you couldn’t help it.” “I’ve already talked with your Aunt Lizzy and she is going to take you to Iowa for your treatment. The girls are going with you, so it will be like a vacation!” Typical Isabella with her glass half- full philosophy.

  “Yeah.” Olivia was internally disappointed since she hadn’t seen her mom in six weeks, except on TV. “When do you think you will be able to come home?”

  “The doctor says by the end of the month.” She sighed for effect. Olivia was used to her mothers' melodramatics. “Mihas, I have to get off the phone now, I love you.”

  “Love you too mom.” Olivia waited for silence before clicking the end button. Although she was accustomed to her absences, Olivia was always upset when she got delayed for some reason or another. This time, she had fallen off a motorcycle during her last shoot and broke her leg and a rib in the process.

  Olivia wasn’t looking forward to the actual treatment in Iowa.The trip to get there wouldn’t be all that bad since the girls were going, but she wasn’t sure what to expect when she got there. Would there be pain involved, would it even help or just make things worse than they already were? She had already been through at least a dozen treatments, surgeries and procedures that had no effect at all. Most were designed for pain management which wasn’t a problem.