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Undead Rising- Transcendendence Reborn Page 10
Undead Rising- Transcendendence Reborn Read online
Page 10
“I can’t take the smell in here.” Kat muttered to Olivia.
“I know, I don’t think I can stay in here without throwing up.” Mom looked as if she knew what they were talking about and escorted their group to the outer buildings that used to house the cats and smaller dogs. They passed the large dog kennels that were empty. “The cat room should be fine for us to stay in. There’s a sink in there too.”
The cat room was boarded up and locked with a padlock. Sam halted the group and perked her ear in the direction of the room. “I hear something.” She advised and took a step closer to the room. As she neared the room, pounding and scraping noises emanated from the room along with howls and screams. They weren’t howls from animals, but the increasingly familiar sounds of the undead. Survivors must have locked the infected in the cat room in order to attempt quarantine.
“We can try the bathroom in the loading dock.” Mom quickly changed plans.
“Do you think they will get out of there?” Edie questioned as they transitioned past the room.
“They’ve been in there this long; I don’t see any reason to worry. It looks like everyone else left.” Quinn interjected. It was good enough reasoning for Kat to accept. All she cared about was getting some sleep and maybe getting a chance to wash off the accumulation of dirt and sweat from her body. Eating something was a luxury she didn’t think would come to fruition, but she still had her candy bar to look forward to. Their supplies had dwindled to the backpacks that they carried. The vending machines at the shelter had already been toppled over with their contents extracted.
They passed a row of exterior kennels that still had opossums in them. It didn’t sound like the most appetizing item on the menu, but the protein would help them renew their energy. They could start a fire and roast them. “Hey Sam, do you think we could get a fire going?”
“It’s ten thousand degrees, why on earth do you want a fire?”
“We can cook those.” Kat pointed to the opossum.
“Disgusting.” Bobbi turned his nose up.
“Sick.” Edie added.
“It’s actually a good idea Kat, I just think we need to be careful about attracting someone with a fire.” Sam offered. “It’s not the most sanitary thing, but we can have the fire in one of the interior kennels, hopefully it will be obscured enough that no one will notice.”
The boys began gathering anything that would burn. Kat assessed the healthiest looking opossum that Mom had agreed to pull out of the kennels and kill for us. Sam had a good knife in her backpack that Kat used to skin the opossum. Olivia and Edie were fascinated with the fact that Kat knew how to skin an animal. Her dad had showed her how on one of their hunting trips. Kat logged it into her internal memory because she figured it would be a useful talent someday. The boys had already managed to get a rolling fire with the junk they had collected and Kat made shish- k-bob sticks with some scraps of wood that they found. Mom ran back into the main building and found some salt and pepper in the lounge.
The opossum didn’t take long to grill. Although everyone had made faces and comments about the opossum being disgusting, no one resisted trying the meat. It wasn’t as bad as they anticipated it would be. It tasted a lot like deer meat, really gamey. They were so hungry it didn’t matter. Kat thought about her friends at school seeing this. They wouldn’t believe the drama queen of Bishop High was eating road kill. The boys asked for seconds and no one could resist laughing at them. This was the first time since dad died that the group had a chance to stop, relax, and smile.
They were lucky to have discovered running water in the bathrooms equipped with hand soap. It wasn’t the same as Bath and Body Works, but it would feel good to wash off the grime after their feast of opossum. Mom made the boys put the fire out after they were finished. Everyone took turns taking showers and cleaning up and before the sun reached its summit, they were nestled together in one of the bathrooms with the door securely locked.
Their sleep was interrupted by relentless pounding and clawing at the door. Even the metal frame shook under the strain of the intruders. Sam was sure the building would withstand the onslaught but she wondered how long they could stay inside. They had running water, but it was only a matter of time before that stopped. They could survive a few days at most, but she was sure that the undead had no intention of leaving in the time frame required to ensure their survival.
“How many do think there are?” Bobbi asked over the moans and clawing on the door.
“Too many to make a run for it.” Sam bleakly contemplated. Kirsten cried herself into a bout of throwing up in the sink. She had progressively looked like she was getting sick over the past couple of days, but Sam didn’t want to connect the dots. Besides, Kat had healed her anyway, so she was sure it’s just from all the stress they had been under and the lack of a permanent place to call home. She had been out in the rain when her parents found the group, she may have caught pneumonia or a cold. Sam refused to consider any other less agreeable possibility.
Mom looked at Sam as if she knew what she was thinking. “We’ll do whatever we can, Sam.” “She’s going to be fine, mom.” Sam snapped. “We need to worry about getting out of here before we worry about anything else.” Sam took the shaking wisp of a girl in her arms and rocked her. With all the exterior noise it was hard to get her to calm down, but the exhaustion and impending illness seemed to be doing the trick. “We need to put our heads together and strategize. Me, Kat and Olive have special abilities that we might need to use to get out of this. Ifonly one of us could disappear.” Sam thought out loud.
“Funny you should mention that.” Edie piped up as she patted a sleeping Piper on her lap. “Check this out.” She picked up her arm and slowly her fingertips began to fade away and then the back of her hand was gone and then within a blink of an eye, everything reappeared. “I thought I was just hallucinating from lack of sleep or something, but then I tried to purposely do it and I managed to make my hand disappear, but I can’t seem to get much more than that."
The moaning and scratching grew more intense, as the numbers of undead were certainly increasing with the onset of nightfall. At least the group had managed to get some sleep and they had eaten as much possum as their stomachs could take. With no feasible way for them to get out safely, using their new skills and abilities would have to be the solution. The walls of the concrete building couldn’t take days of the undead rampage.
“That’s cool eeedeee.” Kirsten pricked a tiny smile on her pale face. Edie concentrated harder and stood in the corner. She closed her eyes for further impact and slowly her feet disappeared. The trend continued up her legs and to her torso, but a loud howl from outside halted her progress. The howl was like nothing they had become accustomed to, it was louder, fiercer, almost as if it had purpose. The moaning and scratching halted almost instantly. They collectively held their breath in response. The noises failed to return, but the howling continued as if it were a beacon to the undead. The source of the howling made its way to their building and began pounding on the door. The gathered horde of undead did not join in, their sounds were absent, as if they had left the vicinity when the howling creature appeared.
Sam had to stifle a whimper from Kirsten as she was afraid that any noise they made would give the howler reason to continue his assault. Several attempts to beat the door down were made again and then a bloodcurdling howl jarred Sam's nerves to the point of fear. Her resilience was shattered in that moment, she didn’t feel tough, she didn’t feel that she could defend the group anymore. She felt weak and defenseless until Kirsten looked into her eyes for reassurance. She placed her tiny hand in Sam's and Sam knew she couldn’t give in to fear.
Olivia had never heard anything quite like it. Her back and neck felt a continuous tingling sensation when it was near. she was pretty sure it had left and taken the horde of zombies with it, but no one had the audacity to break the silence until they were certain of its departure. Even with all of their supe
rhuman capabilities, they would be no match for the dinner party that expected them as the main course.
“They’re gone.” Sam assured them. It was hard to fathom her ability to hear so well, but after seeing her own talent and now the disappearing act of Edie, Olivia quickly relied on the unbelievable. Their entire world had transformed into unreality. The dead were alive, they were like super heroes from the movies, and their fate was anything but certain. Olivia couldn’t have made up a better story than this, and they were living it.
Quinn and Bobbi inched closer to the door and slowly unlocked the deadbolt. With a delft movement, the door opened and let in fresh cool air that they voraciously breathed in. Olivia hadn’t realized that the room was as stuffy as it was. The fear of their close call with death removed all other senses. Cautiously, they exited the cramped space for the wide open yard of the shelter.
“What should we do now?” Kat squeaked. “I guess we will go back to plan A and head for the marina. We knew they were out there before and we know we have a good chanceof running into them again, but we can’t stay here forever.” Aunt Lizzy reasoned.
“I’m tired Sammy.” Kirsten pleaded. Sam scooped her into her arms and they headed into the unknown night.
Chapter 13
Kat didn’t know how to break the news to Sam, but Kirsten was really sick. She insisted that Kirsten was just exhausted and hungry, but the rest of the group knew that wasn’t what was wrong. The real question was whether or not she was sick from the zombie virus or if she was just sick from being in the rain and being on the run for several days. Kat thought Sam cared for Kirsten more than the rest of the group collectively, including her own sister. I know, I know, I’m sounding selfish again. If only we could go back to the way things used to be, I would still be my usual selfish self and Sam would be easily annoyed by me and life would go on. Somehow, in this new world, having Sam annoyed with her hurt more than it did in their normal world. Having Sam love Kirsten more than Kat hurt more than it would have in their normal world.
“Hey Kat, where have you been?” Olivia tried to recapture Kat's attention as they sifted through piles of debris in the road way. “I’ve been talking to you for the last ten minutes and haven’t even heard an uh-huh out of you.” She frowned.
“Oh.” Kat finally acknowledged. “I’m just missing home again.” Kat sulked. “I think we will have a new world ahead of us when we get to the ships. I’ve always wanted to go to Puerto Rico anyway.” Olivia tried to cheer Kat up as Sam halted the group and put Kirsten on the ground.
“We need to take cover, I hear something.”
The streets had been eerily quiet since they left the shelter. They knew they would most likely come across groups of hordes along the way, but so far the city was desolate and empty. It was merely a wasteland, until now.
“Hurry, I think they know we’re here, they don’t sound like the other ones we’ve come across, and they are talking!” Sam began frantically shuttling the group into an empty thrift store. Virtually every store and every home along the route had been desecrated and destroyed. “Let’s get to the back!” Sam hurried with Kirsten slung over her shoulder.
Once they were inside the store, the darkness made their traveling nearly impossible. Without electricity, it was hard to remember where the isles were and where the components of the store were, especially with all the looted debris laying in the pathway. Mom used to love coming to this store, she was certain that it was the bargain hunter’s paradise of Corpus Christi. Funny, how none of that mattered anymore. The days of hightailing it to the shoe isles were becoming a distant memory now.
“Shh..” Sam placed her finger over her mouth. Kat still didn’t hear anything, but Sam was intently concentrating on what she was listening to. Her expressions did little to give away what she was hearing, Sam always looked serious. Kat was hot and sweaty and had a hard time slowing her heart rate. It was hard to see anyone in the dark even after her eyes had adjusted. Kat didn’t need to see well to know that Kirsten was not doing well. She was gasping for air in the folds of Sam’s shirt. Kat could feel the heat coming off of her frail body. Sam continuously rocked her nearly lifeless body in her lap.
“There’s a group of them, they aren’t like the other ones, they can talk. They don’t sound like you and me though, they sound like they are snarling almost. They know that there are live humans in the area. They’re hungry.” Sam whispered.
Olivia flashed a look of fear in Kat's direction. Kat took her hand and squeezed it for reassurance. Kat knew that when daylight came over them, they would have no problem locating the group inside the store. They had to figure a way out before dawn.
“Edie and I can distract them so that we can get out of here.” Olivia suggested.
“No way, Edie can’t control her vanishing and I can’t risk the two of you getting hurt.” Sam argued. “Look, Sam, Kirsten is getting worse, we need to get to the hospital and find some antibiotics for her before she burns up. If we wait here, we’re gonna get found by those things.” Olivia argued back.
“She’s right Sam.” Quinn agreed. Sam didn’t want to admit that staying put meant certain death, but having everyone gang up on her wasn’t the best tactic to use on Sam. “Sam, you always play the hero, baby, but right now you have to let others help if they can. We need everyone’s strengths to get through this.” Mom softened her up.
“I think I have it down Sam.” Edie assured. “Whenever I’m nervous or scared I can get my whole body to disappear, look.”
It was almost breathtaking watching Edie disappear into thin air. Our group took a collective gasp at the disappearing act. “See, Sam, I can get it to work right.” We heard her, but couldn't see where the voice was coming from as she had moved across the room and finally reappeared behind Sam.
“Whoa.” Bobbi laughed,” imagine that trick at school!" The group laughed, but Sam was still reserved. An uncontrollable coughing fit from Kirsten brought tears to Sam’s eyes. “You’re right, we can’t stay here long, they will hear us or find us when the sun comes up. Edie, if you think you can stay invisible, go find where they are so we can plan our escape.”
Edie didn’t require any further encouragement; sh e was gone, leaving the group in awe. Kat was shocked that Sam gave in, but looking at Kirsten’s deteriorating state made sense out of her leniency. The minutes ticked by while Sam intently listened for anything unusual from the group of undead talkers. She assured everyone that they only knew that they were somewhere in the vicinity, but they couldn’t pinpoint a location. They were in a strip mall and Sam told our group that they planned on sweeping through the mall as soon as it was daylight. She assessed that there were at least a dozen of them that could talk, while others growled and moaned like the ones we had already encountered. She said they were looking for someone in particular to take back to their leader, but more important than that, they were hungry and they were enticed by the lingering scent of human flesh in the area.
“I’m baaaaack.” Edie appeared before their eyes. “We don’t have much time; the horizon was already starting to get lighter when I was out there. They’re all in front of the pizza joint at the end. They have some of them patrolling around the perimeter so our best bet is gonna have to be a distraction attempt while everyone exits out the back. If we can make it to the car dealership, we should be home free.” Edie was excited about her planning strategy.
“I hope you’re plan works Edie.” Sam shook her head in disbelief but we didn’t have the luxury of time to argue.
It was game time. Edie and Olivia would create the diversion for the rest of the group to escape. Sam would listen for the cue to lead them out the back and then Olivia would flash across the street to divert them even more away from the group while Edie would vanish and appear a few times just for added emphasis. With sweaty palms and unsteady balance, Edie and Olivia made their way to the front of the store. Olivia really didn’t want to draw attention to their exit in case they decided to check
the store out before everyone could escape.
Edie vanished and Olivia flitted toward the group of undead. When Olivia reached a safe distance away from them, but close enough for them to see her approach, she waited for Edie to catch up. “Hey guys, looking for us?” Did she really just say that? Even Edie shot her a stupefied glance. Olivia would have never been a leader or a hero in any sense of the word. She would rather pull her hair out strand by strand than to call attention to herself. She guessed the hero instinct had a way of imposing itself on you when you know it’s your only hope of survival. Olivia's only regret was Sam not being able to see this, even she would be impressed. The group of snarling and moaning undead turned toward Edie and Olivia with fervent aggression in their posture.
The leader of the group of undead sniffed the air sensing our aroma and halted the group from getting any closer to us. “Awful brave of you to show up here.” The leader snarled in a low hiss.
“Well, we are what you are looking for.” Olivia cajoled. Even though her words sounded strong and brave, her interior was a shaking mess of Jell-O.
“Yes, yes, you are the tasty morsels we were looking for, but there are only two of you for all of us. And it seems like you have acquired some post apocalyptic strengths just as we have.” Olivia feared what he meant, did they have super powers too? He smiled as the group of hungry monsters heightened their awareness of our presence and began trampling each other in pursuit.
“Halt!” He ordered the undead and they obeyed unwillingly. “There’s more out there for the rest of you, I haven’t let you down yet.” He smiled at Edie and Olivia with a mouthful of blood and ooze dripping from his teeth. “Go!” He pointed his disheveled arm in their direction, allowing the horde to descend on them.
Edie didn’t wait to make her disappearance. As soon as Olivia was certain she was out of harms’ way, she flitted across the street to the adjacent restaurant. The group lost track of their movements and appeared to be disoriented as they tilted their heads upward to sniff the air. “Hey guys, over here!” Olivia yelled at the top of her lungs causing the group to spring into action toward her direction. Olivia caught a glimpse of Sam and the others running toward the car dealership. Her plan had worked, now she just needed to keep them distracted long enough to make her escape.